School Rules
Students are expected to:
• follow directions the first time given
• keep hands, feet and objects to themselves
• attend classes, be on time and follow classroom rules
• use equipment & facilities in a safe & responsible manner
Lunchroom Rules
Students are expected to:
• enter and exit quietly
• wait quietly in line
• sit at assigned table and eat politely
• clean up their area properly after finishing their food
• All food is to remain in the lunchroom.
Hallway Rules
Students are expected to:
• use proper hallways to enter & exit the building
• walk quietly in the halls at all times (speed limit is walk!)
• carry a hall pass when outside the classroom
• Students must be with their class or have a pass.
Playground Rules
Students are expected to:
• stay in playground areas only
• use equipment properly
• remain outside during recess
• respect hall patrol members
• report all conflict problems to your teacher or Ms. Dao. Please don’t fight back!
Illness and Accidents
If your child is ill, please don’t send her/him to school. We are not permitted to keep any child in school who has a fever, rash, open sore, inflamed eyes or potentially contagious conditions unless we have verification that the child is being treated by a physician and has permission from the doctor to return to school.
The school will make every effort to inform parent of any illness or accident occurring at school that may need care or observation at home. However, no student will be sent home unless a responsible adult is there to receive him/her.
Please be aware that teachers are not allowed to administer any medication. However, medication can be administered from the school office under the following conditions: students who need to take any kind of medication must have written authorization from a parent/guardian AND the student’s physician. These forms are available in the office. If your child must take short-term mediation (antibiotics, etc.) for any reason, please make arrangements to administer the doses yourself.
Personal Belongings
Students are cautioned not to bring money or any valuable items to school unless it is for a specific school purpose. Many problems can be avoided if money or these items are not brought to school. Please encourage you child to leave personal valuables (expensive jackets, etc.) at home, not at school. If your child wears glasses or a wristwatch or any other expensive items, remind him/her to keep track of them at all times. The school will not be responsible for any lost item from students.
Checking Your Child In and Out of School
For individual safety, please come inside the school office to sign in for your child daily after you drop him/her at school.
No child will be allowed to leave the school grounds during the school day unless we have direct contact with the parent or guardian and an adult signs a check-out slip at the office. Please notice us ahead of pick-up time if there is any change.
School-Wide Behavior Management Program
The faculty, administration and staff of Vietnamese Adventist Heritage School are committed to maintaining a safe and productive learning environment. We believe that teachers are here to teach, students are here to learn, and no one has the right to interfere with that process. In order to encourage all our students to be Honest, Loyal, Respectful, and Responsible citizens, we have established a school-wide behavior management system. Individual classroom rules with both positive and negative consequences are developed with the students at the beginning of the course. Classroom rules, and the school-wide rules are reviewed periodically monthly. Students should understand that any responsible adult in the building has the authority to correct misconduct at any time. We ask that parents help us ensure a safe learning environment for all students by supporting our management program.
Our positive discipline program is designed to promote responsible behavioral choices and to provide awards and incentives for proper leadership behavior and respect for the dignity, worth, and rights of all students. Students have opportunity to earn Reward Gifts by following the school and classroom rules, which are redeemed at the school office. Our teachers have been trained to understand the necessity of providing classroom management procedures that create a climate of positive support and safe structure.
By signing this form, I am attesting that I have read and understand the information above and I freely give my consent/assent to participate or permission for my child to participate.
Student’s Name: ______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _________________________________
Date : __________________________